Some Responses to Honesty

Before I posted the quiz blog the other day and after I’d answered the questions myself, I prevailed on my dear husband to be guinea pig and answer the questions. Unbeknown to him at the time, I’d also answered how I thought he would answer. All except one were right. Good to know that after all our years of marriage there’s still a little surprise. His scores were mostly As, with a few C and B variations thrown in. One of the things I admire about him is the ease with which he can refuse an invitation without feeling a … Continue reading

Student Stories and Questions

You have probably heard or even became aware of yourself that children are very honest. In most cases adults tend to sweet their words as not to hurt another’s feelings. Children however have not learned this concept of “lying”. They say what they feel and what they are thinking. They also typically have no understanding of events that should be spoken and those that should be kept within family. Thus teachers hear all types of stories and questions and comments from children. Many parents will cringe when their young child speaks out about certain home events in public. They fear … Continue reading